Linda Bassham - Director
1167 Nashville Highway
Lewisburg, TN 37091
Phone: (931) 359-0343
Fax: (931) 359-7435

Greg Blair, Probation Officer

Amala Taylor, Mental Health Court Case Manager

Reporting Hours:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5:30p.m. 
The Probation Department has the responsibility of ensuring that probationers comply with the conditions of court-ordered probation. This department handles misdemeanor criminal offenses which carry a maximum jail sentence and probation term of 11 months and 29 days per offense. While working toward that goal, the department’s efforts are spent making the community a safer place to live.
Under the program, probationers may be required to complete treatment programs such as intensive alcohol and drug treatment, anger management and batterer’s intervention. Probationers may also be required to participate in self-help groups, undergo alcohol/drug testing, pay restitution to victims and perform community service work.
Probation officers take an active, hands on approach to facilitating the satisfactory completion of probation.