Leadership Marshall
Leadership Marshall is a program initiated by the Tennessee Department of Economic Development as part of
its Three Star Community Certification and has been conducted through the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce since 1996. Since the inception of the program, the volunteer coordinator has been Lynda Potts.
The purpose of the leadership class is two-fold. First, members are exposed to a vast wealth of information about the city, county, and state. Second, members are allowed to network with others who share a common interest in the community. The camaraderie has been both exciting and rewarding for all graduates.
Admission to the program is by application and payment of $150.00 to Leadership Marshall, delivered to the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce.
One nine-hour session per month for eight months will focus on information and tours that will benefit leaders and/or potential leaders. Included in the schedule will be an Orientation Day, History Day, Health Services Day, City Government Day, County Government Day, State Government Day, Education Day, and Industry Day. A three-hour graduation luncheon will be held after all eight sessions are completed.
Individually, each member is asked to attend or participate in at least four community meetings or programs such as attending a City Council meeting, a Marshall County Board of Education meeting, a Lewisburg Planning and Zoning Committee meeting, or a production at the Dixie Theatre. A long list of possible activities will be included in the member notebooks which are given out at the first session.
A group project may be adopted by the group at the first session.The Class of 2000-2001 launched Junior Leadership Marshall. Another class collected old photographs of Lewisburg and had them framed for the conference room at Columbia State Community College. Two groups raised money for projects involving the Rock Creek Walking Trail. One group built the heli-pad for Air EVAC at the EMS site. Two years ago the class supervised improvements and additions to the Marshall County Library. Two classes have installed an historical marker at buildings around the Square.
The county and city mayors and various organization chairmen have been asked to appoint their board members and committees from the list of Leadership Marshall graduates. We currently have many graduates serving in places of decision.
Each class is limited in membership. Applications are taken year round at the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce. Presently, the classes are formed as the applications come to the Chamber on a first come first served basis. If you would like to participate in the next class, email Lynda Potts Lpotts@vallnet.com or phone the Chamber at 359-3863 to secure an application.
its Three Star Community Certification and has been conducted through the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce since 1996. Since the inception of the program, the volunteer coordinator has been Lynda Potts.
The purpose of the leadership class is two-fold. First, members are exposed to a vast wealth of information about the city, county, and state. Second, members are allowed to network with others who share a common interest in the community. The camaraderie has been both exciting and rewarding for all graduates.
Admission to the program is by application and payment of $150.00 to Leadership Marshall, delivered to the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce.
One nine-hour session per month for eight months will focus on information and tours that will benefit leaders and/or potential leaders. Included in the schedule will be an Orientation Day, History Day, Health Services Day, City Government Day, County Government Day, State Government Day, Education Day, and Industry Day. A three-hour graduation luncheon will be held after all eight sessions are completed.
Individually, each member is asked to attend or participate in at least four community meetings or programs such as attending a City Council meeting, a Marshall County Board of Education meeting, a Lewisburg Planning and Zoning Committee meeting, or a production at the Dixie Theatre. A long list of possible activities will be included in the member notebooks which are given out at the first session.
A group project may be adopted by the group at the first session.The Class of 2000-2001 launched Junior Leadership Marshall. Another class collected old photographs of Lewisburg and had them framed for the conference room at Columbia State Community College. Two groups raised money for projects involving the Rock Creek Walking Trail. One group built the heli-pad for Air EVAC at the EMS site. Two years ago the class supervised improvements and additions to the Marshall County Library. Two classes have installed an historical marker at buildings around the Square.
The county and city mayors and various organization chairmen have been asked to appoint their board members and committees from the list of Leadership Marshall graduates. We currently have many graduates serving in places of decision.
Each class is limited in membership. Applications are taken year round at the Marshall County Chamber of Commerce. Presently, the classes are formed as the applications come to the Chamber on a first come first served basis. If you would like to participate in the next class, email Lynda Potts Lpotts@vallnet.com or phone the Chamber at 359-3863 to secure an application.